Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Most people know to call a financial advisor for advice on investments or long-term finances.  But it’s also okay to need help with more of the day-to-day things like balancing your checkbook, paying bills, budgeting or simply getting things under control.  Trying to juggle all the ins and outs of our money is not easy and chances are, no one sat you down and showed you what to do!  If money causes you stress or you feel as if you’re not in control, a financial coach is perfect for you.

Maybe you’re having trouble making ends meet, or maybe you have plenty of money to cover your bills, but don’t know where you’re going financially or how to get there. Your needs are unique.  Our coaching services can help guide you through your special circumstances, teach you how to take control of your situation, and create a plan to tackle your goals.

Here are just a handful of reasons people usually come to us:

  • You have no idea where your money goes
  • Money is a big stressor in your life
  • You have a goal you’re not sure how to tackle- college, education, retirement, a new house, a big vacation
  • You and a significant other are not on the same page
  • You “make good money” yet things still seem difficult
  • You’re not in control of your money
  • You can’t make ends meet
  • You recently experienced a life change- marriage, divorce, graduation, job change, child birth
  • You are about to experience a life change
  • You know what you should do but need some accountability
  • You feel in control but would you like an objective opinion or perspective

The best way to begin is by scheduling your Smart Start Session.  Not only is this session is incredibly valuable, but it can also help you determine whether more intense coaching is necessary or desired.  During this meeting, we discuss your financial situation in depth and you have the opportunity to ask questions and voice any concerns or hesitations.  The Smart Start Session is designed to allow us enough time based on the complexity of your financial situation – Individual, Couples, and Small Business Owners.

You have no obligation to work with us after this session so you have nothing to lose!  Once you decide you’re ready to get control over your finances, the work begins!  Together we create a plan for your money.  Once this plan is established, we don’t simply send you on your way.  We are with you every step of the way – continuously monitoring your budget, holding you accountable, establishing habits, and tackling unexpected hurdles right along side you!

The next few sessions will be used to make some positive and empowering changes toward a more secure financial future.  We are results driven so we won’t simply be giving you ideas or general concepts.  With FCS coaching, we will work through specific steps or tasks to give you back control while learning how to manage your finances on your own.

I often times equate this to hiring a personal trainer.  We could all go to the gym, but many of us won’t.  And even if we do, we won’t push ourselves as hard.  There’s a great level of accountability, motivation and most importantly, greater results when working with someone.  Also, managing our money is a skill, much like cooking, painting, singing, or even a sport.  Some people are really gifted and talented in these areas and some are gifted with managing money.  Those people don’t need me, but for those who want to learn how to be good at it, that’s who I help.  I also joke very honestly about how I’m a terrible singer… and when I say that, no one thinks less of me or thinks I should be embarrassed about that.  Yet for some reason, when it comes to money, people feel ashamed about not being fabulous at it.

My approach is nothing like the typical budgeting approach.  It’s proactive and much more fluid than the standard, rigid, strict approach to budgeting.  Imagine a system that shows you the impact of a decision you make today on an upcoming paycheck, future month or current goal?  My system gives you that structure and my coaching teaches you how to make decisions within that structure while pushing you to do even more.

This is a common concern, but I’ve seen time and time again that my fee more than pays for itself.  I will find more in the budget than what I charge.  With our coaching , our clients put more in savings or pay down more debt than they have ever been able to… and most importantly, I teach them how to do it so it continues long after they’ve worked with me.  I’ve often said that my fee is an investment.

Your financial advisor has the ability to broker various products for you- insurance, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc. At Financial Coaching Solutions, we do not sell any financial products.

Our goal is not to sell you anything, but to teach you and empower you to manage your money in a smart, satisfying, and promising way.  Our services are fee-based only; we commit to serving you without compromise.

We do not accept payment from investment advisors, insurance providers or other financial services allowing us to keep our clients’ interest as our only concern.  Before you can gain any benefit from a financial advisor, you need a solid foundation.  It’s in building this foundation and creating smart money habits where we come in!

I get this question a lot.  I require partnering with you on both your business & personal finances simultaneously.  Most importantly, these two are so connected that I love creating a “marriage” between the two – where both your personal AND professional goals are being accomplished financially and one is not pulling from the other.  Second, while we could probably put a solid strategy in place for just one, a mishap in the other could cause that plan to fall apart.  Finally, owning a business allows me a greater level of creativity and flexibility with your expenses and cash flow.  Unless I can see both, you miss out on this valuable accounting knowledge and expertise.

Absolutely!  All you need is a computer and a phone!  Web conferencing is an option for all of my sessions.  I simply send you a link that takes you to a secured virtual meeting place.  We can chat and even see each other (if you have a camera on your computer).  You will be able to view my screen as we work through your budget, spreadsheets or other presentations.

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